Climate Tech

IIT Jammu is located in the fragile Himalayan environment and has experienced the changes in the seasonal weather in past years. This has triggered the alarm, and the Indian government and worldwide agencies are calling for ‘Climate Adaptation’, which means taking proactive steps to prepare for and respond to the effects of climate change that are already occurring or expected in the future. The nation faces severe weather events such as heatwaves, droughts, and floods due to varied climatic conditions. Immediate action is essential to reduce vulnerability and enhance resilience to climate impacts. IIT Jammu’s Centre of Excellence (CoE) in Climate Technology is dedicated to addressing global climate challenges and fostering sustainable development. This CoE will focus on climate adaptation, developing innovative technologies to enhance resilience against the growing impacts of climate change, such as extreme weather events.

There are key areas that need a better solution for climate betterment. The institute has identified the potential areas as mentioned below.

  • Climate adoption of farming practices,
  • Develop resilient crops,
  • Sustainable food systems and improve food storage to safeguard food supply in different seasons.
  • Sustainable Cooling
  • Water Technologies
  • Air Technologies: Pollution, De-Pollution, Decontamination, CO2 Sequestration
  • Adaptive Built Infrastructure

The CoE will not only advance cutting-edge research but also support the growth of startups by providing incubation, funding, and mentorship, ensuring that academic research translates into practical, impactful solutions. CoE is facilitating the collaboration between different industries and academia to raise the funds to support the mission. This seed has been planted, and IIT Jammu and the Jammu and Kashmr governments are on board to nurture this to make it self-sustaining and power the regional economy.